Tuesday 1 January 2013

Most awesome items 2012

Firstly Checked shirts now basically they have really been considered 'in' for me this year a lot of people buy them and nearly everyday you see somebody wear them.
Now these aren't the sort of thiings that will go with anything Basically these can only go really well with leggins or jeans but I prefer to wear them tucked into my jeans.
I know some people have the top collar button undone but I always keep it done up because it's not really a shirt with no colalr it's just more like a t-shirt?
So here's a few images of all different sorts of shirts -2012  

Now on to bottoms This year I think Leggins are really in Well they're in all years but something about this year there have been more designs of leggins brought into shops. Leggins probably do actually go with everything especially rather long tops but I like to tuck them into flowy tops so that the leggins look high waisted.
So here are a few prints of leggins below.


Now Finally Shoes Shoes everybody loves shoes so in this most awesome 2012 I'm kind of going for the average teen look there will also be other teen looks because I know all teens have there own style millions but today I'm focousing on the average teen stlye so shoeswise I'd Pick Vans Converse aren't really as popular now as vans off the wall.
So here are a few types of vans for the average teen look of 2012.

So I hope you enjoyed reading this post there will be more tomorrow or possibly more today 

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