Sunday 6 January 2013

More Writers.

So currently it's only me running this blog and I'd say I'm coping well it's just that now I'm moving soon I figured I'd need some writers to help me keep this blog active,because if I'm honest with you I don't really want this blog failing.
So basically They will all be decided by tonight and I'm looking for a fair amount of writers and if I can't choose I'll have a trail for the writers.

So if you could fill this form out in my topic in star doll by barbie names I need writers for my blog,I'll look at them and choose them within the next half hour.

Are you creative?
Will you post regularly?
Do you think you're fairly good

So if you can just fill that out I'll be sincerely grateful.

First stardoll entry

Okay so as I said in the update I'm bringing star doll into my blog.
Okay so here it is.

So for the first post I've been doing makeover on people that are well lets just say 'have bad dolls'
Obviously they aren't much improvement due to the fact that you can't change features on other people's doll unless of course you go on their account.

Okay so firstly this girl- LagoonaStarBlue

Okay so this is her doll. --------                     BEFORE

And this is her doll after I've changed it.
Obviously If I could change the features this doll would be amazing but unfortunately you can't.

 Drum rolls please......




Okay so I feel like I need to write about updates a couple of times a month maybe even more so for example letrs start with today,there will be 2 more updates this month more if really neeeded.
Okay so I just wanted to say in this update today about how I don't just want this to be a fashion blog for clothes I want it to be a blog for like phone cases or amazing mugs sense of style on anything.
Although It would kostly be about fashion.
I also want to introduce a virtual game I often play online I know some of you may be familiar with this game
So I'll be doing tutorials and makeovers so just comment if you want a makeover on stardoll or if you want me to visit you ec below on this post.
I hope you all know what I mean and I might introduce a bit of art now and then okay?
Thank you.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Flowy and floral

                                         Evie (:

Okay so this is a competition to write for my friend Evie's blog.

So I'm going to pretty much explain both of these individually.
So basically the idea was to create a floral,flow,girly look,This is perfect for the fit.
So for the top I have picked up a long sleeve pink jumper with a little design in the middle,I think this is massively cute and this top could go well with a lot of things not just the outfit I've put together.
Okay so this is perfect for summer we all now what the English weather is like our generation so it could be rainy  or cold.
For the bottom halve I have found a frilly layered skirt and as you can see  I've tucked the top into it,This gives the perfect floral look as you can see it's emboired with  white hearts and flowers and it just looks really girly and cute.
To fashion up the outfit a bit I have added a white belt with a couple of blended coloured buttons to make it look less plain shall we say because everybody needs to blend up an outfit.
Finally I've choose these White plain flats with some black faded bows on it to really sink in with the outfit.

Basically this is a really girly look Firstly I've started off with this top side bun colour blonde hair as you can see to match with the pink lips.
For the eyes I've gone with the smokey eye look to make the doll a bit more simple yet still amazing at the same time.
As for the cheeks I've used some pink blusher and I've blended it in with the pale skin to make it a bit more bright.
Second to last for the lips I've just picked a simple mouth expression and I've used pink lipstick and put it on rather dark consdering it was a very light colour and I've added some transparent lipgloss.
Finally to  accessorize the whole look I've added a floral pink flower and put it in at the bottom of the bun yet at the top of the head.

How to tie your hair in to a messy bun.

1.Firstly don't worry about brushing your hair it really works out if it's really messy but if you're going out somewhere nice i just suggest you brush it quite gently and makesure you don't brush it everywhere.

2. Secondly grasp your hair buy your fingers combing it as you pull it up into a pony tail grab the pony tail by the top and push it forward so that you have sort of a big giant messy bump.

3.Grab a hair tie and tie your hair as tightly as you can I suggest you use two hair ties.

4. Sort of top your pony tail upside down and fasten it into a bun making sure their are lots of loose bits of hair and tighten the bun with some grips.


5.Sick on some hair spray and put ina nice headband and well ah you have yourself a perfect messy bun to go out with.

Overall it should look like this:  ]


Thursday 3 January 2013

What age should you wear makeup at?

What age should you start to wear makeup?
I know this is a question lots of people ask  and obviously everybody has a different opinion on when to start wearing makeup.
I'm just going to go through when I started wearing makeup and how you could convince somebody to let you wear a bit.

So firstly it all started when my friend came round my house for a ssleepover she was the same age as me and her mum let her wear makeup around the house and outside the house to the shop or when they went out ect..
I was telling her how I wish I could wear makeup,The night before I had told my mum how my friend was allowed to wear a bit of makeup out of the house and I wasn't.
Of course my mother didn't belive me until the day after next.
So she was just about to go home and obviously she was wearing makeup so I went through and told my mum and said see she gets to wear makeup.
She nodded and then when my friend had left she came up to me and said maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you wore a little bit of mascara and blusher.
Then of course both of my parents got used to the idea and I started gradually to wear a bit more.

So the moral of the story is,is that maybe if one of your friends are alllowed to wear makeup and you have proof to show/tell your mum/dad maybe they'll feel more comfortable with letting you wear a bit of makeup.


Wednesday 2 January 2013

Jack Wills SALES

Okay so as I said in my last post I'm writting about the jack Willls sales I'd love to do a primark one considering they don't have a website well they do but you know I can't.

Cuforth Gift SetCufo Alfrick Mittens £24.50 £14 rth Gift Set  Was :£29.50  Now :£10

Clerwood Water Bottle


So it's this time of the month/year whatever you want to call it where all of the sales are morn than half price off.
So in the next few posts it will be about all the amazing deals and sales but in this one I just want to compliment how could the next sale is.
This morning I woke up and got told by my mum the day before she had ordered me some clothes so today when I woke up most of the stuff was there which is really good considering normally it takes a few weeks.
Also I had about 6 tops 3 pairs of tights 3 pairs of leggins a pair of jeans and legwarmers for £25.00 pounds.
There is more to come and I just want to say that is truly amazing.

Please check out this blog

Okay so the blog I'm about to link is made by a good friend of mine named Ruby so far she has had 822 page views which quite frankly I think is amazing so please make her new year special by checking out her blog and spreading the word.

Interview with Cat

So Cat is another one of my friends off of the internet and has agreed to do a interview.
No everybodys opinions are different and there will bea pot on what age you should start wearing makeup at.

My questions are the same as the questions with Georgia but next week there will be different questions with more interesting answers.

My questions to her:
When did you start wearing makeup?
How much makeup did you wear at that age?
What's your favourite make up brand and why.
What's your favourite makeup Product and why?

What's your favourite line/brand of clothing and why?
What shops do you shop most in?
How much do you normally spend on clothes a month?
What's your favourite item of clothing.

Her Answers:
makeup -
1 - Two years ago when i was 13.
2 - Foundation and mascara.
3 - I don't buy much makeup but i like the natural collection because there makeup is nice light shades plus it's not a dear brand, i also like collection 2000,barry M and Bourjois.
4 - Either my pressed powder because its not a dark colour or my eyeliner.

clothes -
1 - Hmm i don't really have a favourite i like ax paris and cameo rose from new look.
2 - Primark and H&M.
3 - I don't really go shopping alot but when i go shopping i normally spend £30 but it varies.
4 -Patterned leggings,skinnies and cardigans. 

Interview with Georgia

Okay so Georgia is a friend of mine so I asked her for an interview and she agreed.
So here are the questions I asked her:

When did you start wearing makeup?
How much makeup did you wear at that age?
What's your favourite make up brand and why.
What's your favourite makeup Product and why?

What's your favourite line/brand of clothing and why?
What shops do you shop most in?
How much do you normally spend on clothes a month?
What's your favourite item of clothing.

Her answers:

1. about a year ago
2. just mascara really
3. mac because everything about it is flawless
4. probs concealer, it gets rid of my dark under eye cirlces

1. drop dead (if you don't know, it's a fashion line created by oli sykes, lead singer from bring me the horizon)
2. topshop
3. omg a lot, but it varies
4. skinnies or band merch, i can't choose

I hope you've all took interest in this (:

How to feel and look clean and soft

Okay so I'm just going to get into this post straight away because I always feel like a have a really long discalimer.

So firstly if you want your skin to stay fresh and clean you'll have to bath everyday I know some people bath every other day but I wouldn't recomend that.
When you're in the bath/shower always make sure you have a scrubber the flowery flowy ones Because they clean really well on your face.
I recomend you use soap and shower gel because then you have two scents going on at once.
When you're out of the shower put some deodrant everywhere,also apply some body lotion/polish or even both to your arms legs body and even your face.
That's how you feel and look really fresh.

If you've had makeup on before you've had a shower make sure that you get a special cleansing wipe afterwards and wipe all of your face to make sure your make up is completly gone.

If you have any hand lotion rub a bit of that in even if you're just about to go to bed.

Never go to bed with makeup on it can damage your skin.

Should primark have a website

I don't know how many of you agree with the subjesct of should primark have a website but I certainly do.
Most primark stores all over the world are big and twice the size of normal shops I know mine is twice the size of my local supermarker.
I really do think they should bring there clothing line onto their website not just for me and you reading to buy of it but I know it will certainly bring in a lot more money.
It also frustrates me how when It's your birthday and you can't be bothered to go in town you can't look on the website.
Also when you're writting your christmas list you don't know what to get from the store because they don't have a website and by the time you've go into the actual shop and told your parents everything you want it will be all gone.
Where as on most shopping sites you can reserve it/ add it to your wishlist.


Hey Guys,
So I'm going to start doing daily/weekly interviews and then a big special one at the end of the month,Comment below if you would like an interview.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Most awesome items 2012

Firstly Checked shirts now basically they have really been considered 'in' for me this year a lot of people buy them and nearly everyday you see somebody wear them.
Now these aren't the sort of thiings that will go with anything Basically these can only go really well with leggins or jeans but I prefer to wear them tucked into my jeans.
I know some people have the top collar button undone but I always keep it done up because it's not really a shirt with no colalr it's just more like a t-shirt?
So here's a few images of all different sorts of shirts -2012  

Now on to bottoms This year I think Leggins are really in Well they're in all years but something about this year there have been more designs of leggins brought into shops. Leggins probably do actually go with everything especially rather long tops but I like to tuck them into flowy tops so that the leggins look high waisted.
So here are a few prints of leggins below.

Now Finally Shoes Shoes everybody loves shoes so in this most awesome 2012 I'm kind of going for the average teen look there will also be other teen looks because I know all teens have there own style millions but today I'm focousing on the average teen stlye so shoeswise I'd Pick Vans Converse aren't really as popular now as vans off the wall.
So here are a few types of vans for the average teen look of 2012.$.html?categoryId=10150&colorCode=EWZBLK

So I hope you enjoyed reading this post there will be more tomorrow or possibly more today